New Podcast: A School Social Worker’s Perspective on Remote Student Supports

We are excited to welcome Kelsey Reeder to this week’s Collaborative for Inclusive Education podcast! In addition to being a social worker, Kelsey is the moderator for the Collaborative’s online community of practice for counselors and social workers. In this episode, Kelsey shares her perspective on family partnership and trauma-informed practice during a global pandemic.

Inspired by the voices from the field in our podcast series? Let us know if you have something to share.

New Podcast Episode on Supporting ELLs Through Online Instruction

In this podcast episode, the Collaborative welcomes Frederic Lim, the ELL Coordinator at St. Hope Academy Charter School. We chat about his approach to co-planning for ELLs during remote learning, including how to ensure rigor and engagement. If you like what you hear, make sure to check out his webinar on co-planning during remote learning, as well as his blog.

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