NEW PODCAST: Perseverance, Community, Differentiation, and Grace in the Face of a Pandemic

Tune in to our latest podcast episode, featuring Tanicqua Pryor-Davis, Special Populations Coordinator at Explore/Excel Schools. Tanicqua shares her experiences working with students and staff, community engagement, DEI, differentiation and more, during the pandemic. For more information about the family she mentions in the episode, and how to support them, please see their social media post and GoFundMe page.

Inspired by the voices from the field in our podcast series? Let us know if you have something to share.

Jamila Lysicott Discusses Critical Hope in the Context of Crisis

Assistant Professor of Social Justice Education at UMass Amherst and author of Black Appetite. White Food.: Issues of Race, Voice, and Justice Within and Beyond the Classroom, Jamila Lyiscott, recently spoke at the Collaborative for Inclusive Education’s Annual Conference.

In her timely keynote address, Jamila discussed the rich possibilities for reimagining and nourishing the future of equitable education, especially for students of color, so that we can develop critical, tangible hope to support the building of essential new futures.

Watch this clip from her keynote address about the importance of acknowledging and assessing our students’ experiences when discussing equity and race with them.

Jamila Lysicott Discusses Critical Hope in the Context of Crisis.

Interested in learning more about the Collaborative for Inclusive Education? Learn how your school can access essential assistance to develop rigorous, inclusive and fully-compliant special populations programs by becoming a Collaborative Member.